Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Day 2, Monday, June 25, 2007

Couldn't get ahold of 2'nd cousin Jack Lauer by phone so we drove by his house and found him working in the yard. We stopped and had a beer with him and his wife Euki (? spelling). Had a great visit and got a lot of information about our family history. We invited them out to our campsite later for dinner and they jumped at the chance.

Ellen and I went downtown for a beer at the old Lauer Bar (now called Steve's), then had lunch at a little corner cafe.

Our guests arrived at 6:30 and we cooked Alaskan Halibut after a few rounds of "cocktails". Very nice evening but Jack and Euki are both 80 and did not stay long. One of their daughters (Kathelene) and her husband stopped by briefly to meet us and told us (on the side) how much it meant to her parents that we took the time to look them up. Ellen and I continued on well into the evening around a campfire. Great day & night!

P.S. The winds shifted and the Mayflys went away for the evening. Thank God!

This is the old Lauer Homestead. Our Great-Grandfather, Sebastian Lauer built this building and operated a grocery store on the left-hand side, and a bar on the right. The family lived above the store. Our Grandfather Bernard (Dad's Dad) was probably born there on 6/27/1875. He moved to Elkhart to work on the railroad and started his family marrying Anna Linnet on 5/23/1898. Dad came along in 1916. Our Grandfather returned here to stay when he was "on one", and Dad and siblings returned here often in summers taking the train from Elkhart which dropped them off at the depot just a block away.

This is the clothing store Dad's Uncle Harry operated and then passed on to his son Jack, Dad's cousin. Jack sold the store about 18 years ago and it is now an office furniture business.

View of downtown Monroe with the bar & grocery building on the right.

Jim, Ukie, and Jack

We did a Crown Royal shot in memory of Uncle Harry and all the Lauer "Boys" from Elkhart who were always treated to a shot of whiskey in the back room of Harry's store whenever they visited.


Anonymous said...

How wonderful! Thanks for the Lauer history lesson and the pictures of Monroe, MI - I learned a lot! I wish you guys happy camping and safe travels (it's great to be "on the road" with you all again)! Love, Mandy

Anonymous said...

Brother, you should of had dads toupe with you for the picture.

Anonymous said...

Brother, you should of had dad's touppe with you for the picture.