Saturday, July 28, 2007

Day 33, Thursday, July 26, 2007

The weather has really been great lately. Sunny and/or hazy days with a cooling ocean breeze, temperature into the upper 70’s, cool nights with the sound of ocean waves and the smell of fresh ocean air.

Today we started on a long drive around the NP. The road is part of what is called the Cabot Trail and follows the coast for a good part of the route. We stopped frequently at turnouts to take in the beauty of it all and ended up in Pleasant Bay in time for lunch. We wanted to go all the way to the Northern most point on the island but brake problems with the car forced us to turn around at that point and head back to town. They were making a lot of noise and it looked like something was eating away at the brake discs.

I may have solved the problem myself when we got back but the point is that our planned activity for the day was cut way short.

As in the past, no pictures until we find a high-speed connection.

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