Sunday, July 29, 2007

Day 35, Saturday, July 28, 2007

Change of plans. We did not go to Louisbourg. While at Cheticamp we did not get to see all of the Cabot Trail (due to the brake problem), so this morning we decided to drive back through Baddeck and up the rest of the Trail all the way to Meat Cove - the very end of Nova Scotia. We parked the motorhome at a KOA near Sydney and drove the Honda all the way up and back. It was a 7 hour round trip but well worth the time. Unbelieveable scenery! There is a "Chowder Hut" there and we sat outside on the deck looking out from the edge of the continent hoping to see whales. No whales, but we had the best chowder we have ever eaten.

Very hot today - mid 90's! A lady at the last campground said she has lived here 24 years and never had this hot of weather. And that was before this scorcher today. Pictures of today will be added at the next high speed connection. I did add pictures to the last few days posts if you want to go back and look.

Meat Cove
Meat Cove - look at that campsite the red & white RV has!
Jim and kids on the beach at Cabot Landing Provincial Park - John Cabot landed here when he discovered North America
Entrance signs to Meat Cove
Meat Cove from the road going down to the cove
Ellen "taking it all in"
Meat Cove

Top of Smokey Provincial Park on way to Meat Cove
Sunset at our KOA campsite

Ellen on the beach at Cabot Landing
Cabot Landing Provincial Park

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