Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Day 37, Monday, July 30, 2007

Short drive today in rain and fog to Louisbourg on the Eastern coast of Nova Scotia. We are staying at a community run RV park right in the center of town on the harbor. It's not a big town but it is a big harbor of great historical significance. Too much for me to put in the blog but if anyone is interested in the history just Google it.

We came here because of the national historical site "Fortress of Louisbourg". More on the Fortress and pictures in tomorrow's page after we do the tour.

Tonight we walked next door to the Louisbourg Playhouse for a three hour "Ceilidh" (pronounced kay-lee), a Celtic word for party or gathering. It was great! What talent these young performers have. I took some video of it and will try to put it on YouTube. Look for it on the Blog home page in a day or two.

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