Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Day 24, Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Currently sitting in a grocery store parking lot in Ellsworth, just north of Mt. Desert Island, waiting for Ellen to buy "stuff" for the road. We are out of Bar Harbor and heading North & East. Getting a high speed internet connection from someone here, thank you, so I added a couple of videos to the blog. Nothing special, just views of the ocean waves.

Short trip today, decided to check out Cobscook Bay State Park just short of the Canadian border. Not anything to write about. Great view of the bay but lots of mosquitoes. We did a walk around with the dogs to the shore, but that was it. No electricity here and our wood was wet so no fire to enjoy and it was an early-to-bed night.

Cobscook Bay from our campsite

Same view a few hours later with the tide going out

Just for perspective, campers across from us at low tide. The person at top of picture is standing at water line at high tide. The little white speck just right of him is a Golden Retriever puppy.

Just a "shot" I thought was nice

One island now at low tide, but two islands at high tide

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Bro and Ells, Yes, lobster pizza would of been great. Wish we could of stayed a little longer. Thanks again for sharing your camper with us. We really had a great time. Can't wait to do it again sometime. We love ya man !