Saturday, July 14, 2007

Day 20, Friday, July 13, 2007

We got a relatively early start today (10:00 am) and drove around the entire National Park and the rest of Mt. Desert Island. T & D's last full day and we had to see it all. Beautiful blue sky day. Lunch in Southeast Harbor at a lobster pier - yes more lobster rolls and no not quite up to our expectations. It was good, but we can't seem to get anyone to make one the way we want them. Everyone refuses to alter their procedure. Unbelievable!

Stopped for a short hike to the rugged coast line and sat awhile to enjoy and take pictures. Back to camp for a few hours then we went to Bass Harbor for dinner at a Mexican restaurant. A very small but popular spot serving authentic central Mexican cuisine. Excellent food and Margaritas.

Tim "on the rocks"

At the Mexican restaurant XYZ
The two of us at XYZ - it's just that small little place in the background

Ah - the good life! Cheers!

On top of Cadillac

That's wind billowing my shirt, not too many lobster rolls


Em said...

So I was just googling random things about Maine, interested in where you all were when I came across this fascinating, somewhat bizzaro tid-bit. Cow-tipping is to the mid-west as hypnotizing lobsters is to the east coast? Here it is: How do you hypnotize a lobster?
To hypnotize a lobster, stand it on its head with its claws laid out in front of it and its tail curled inward. Rub your hand up and down the carapace making sure to rub between the eyes. Eventually it may stand by itself. (Whoever thought of this must have been really starved for excitement.)

Glad to see you all having fun - take care! Love, Em

Anonymous said...

Looks like you are having another wonderful trip! I am craving lobster now, of course, and wondering where I can get a lobster roll in Chicago... Izzy seems to be feeling better following her surgery -- loved the "dog fight" video!

Safe travels!
Love always,